Upper Body Workouts

You’re going to be playing against 22 year-old men in college so you need to get stronger

It is extremely important to start working out when you get to high school. Sometimes in high school you play teams that all have grown men, but usually you never play anyone that’s too strong to handle. In college though everyone is grown men, and you will get exposed for being weak hurting your playtime. Coaches also look for players who are strong so that they don’t have to wait for you to get stronger before they play you.

This is a pretty interesting article describing what muscles to work out specifically for basketball: https://www.livestrong.com/article/412897-what-muscle-type-should-basketball-players-develop/

Since it’s hard to describe workouts, click this link that’ll show you specifically how to do any dumbbell workout to help get you stronger. I recommend waiting until your almost done growing to star benching, squatting deadlifting, and other heavy weight things like that, but for now do a lot of pushups, pull ups, and dumbbell exercises are a great way to start lifting weights without potential stunting your growth.

If you need some dumbbells, here’s a link to some on amazon: https://www.amazon.com/105-Adjustable-Cast-Iron-Dumbbells/dp/B009GC76NW/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1507784874&sr=8-6&keywords=dumbbells

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