Getting That Shot Right

If you wanna play college basketball, you have to be able to shoot


You’re gonna want to get up shots every day. I understand an off day every now and then, but that doesn’t mean you can’t shoot a hundred shots from four feet away. I recommend if you don’t already, you start shooting and making at least fifty four foot shots a day. This will help your body’s muscle memory with your shot and make it more consistent. Then shoot fifty to a hundred free throws and try to get ten in a row before you finish. Then you can start your workout.

It can be hard to type out workouts to do so I just recommend you look up YouTube videos, or ask your coach for some workouts. I can, however, give you the mechanics to a perfect shot. First you need to get low. Most of your strength for your shot should come from your legs, and if you get low that’ll happen. Next, you want to shoot the ball up. When you release, your arm should be almost vertical. You should then flick your wrist when releasing, and give it some good backspin. Check out this article by Bleacher Report on Klay Thompson’s perfect shot for additional information:

The 94fifty basketball is a great tool to use to judge how good your shot is. It’ll tell you the ideal arc, backspin, and release time, and compare it up to yours. I highly recommend purchasing it as it definitely helped my shot. Here’s a link:



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